Operating with Integrity, Respect, and Empathy, We Assist Individuals and Families with Lawful Immigration to the United States and Hawaii Businesses with Employment Documentation Verification.
How Can We Help You?
Photo credit above: " Kakaako Skyline at Dusk" and below “Dawn of a New Year” at Kahala Beach, both by Travis Nohara,

Welcome to Noha Immigration Law
Proven Expertise.
Individualized Attention.
Compassionate Advocacy.
Noha Immigration Law LLLC is a boutique Honolulu-based immigration law firm that was created to serve the immigration needs of individuals, families, and employers in Hawaii and with ties to the islands. We are the only law firm in Hawaii that is operated by a former Senior Attorney with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
We are intentionally small. Founder and Managing Attorney Sherry Nohara will work directly with you on your case with mālama (the Hawaiian word for “to care for” or “protect”); we take pride in being approachable, compassionate, and helping our clients rest easier knowing they have an experienced advocate in their corner.
Please have a look around, and let us know if you think we can help you. We look forward to hearing from you!

U.S. Immigration Lawyer with Local Values
In the Bible, noha means “rest” or “a guide”. In the Quran, it means an “ability to think”. We take both definitions to heart.
When you pay your hard-earned dollars to retain us, we consider it our duty to take the worry and fear of confusing immigration procedures off your shoulders. Uncertainty exists in life, and the immigration process is no different. A trusted guide can help. Sherry takes pride in being open and honest with her clients and practicing with integrity. She won’t promise what she knows she cannot deliver. But Sherry will truly listen to you—your concerns and your goals—with empathy and without judgment. She will give you an honest and clear assessment of your case, strategize what she believes the best options are according to your priorities, and walk with you as you navigate the immigration process together with her.
We help individuals, families, and employers. Whether your case is straightforward, complex, or somewhere in between, please reach out to us. We aren’t afraid of the tough cases.
How We Can Help
Our firm is solely dedicated to immigration law and we specialize in the following areas of practice:
Green cards based on marriage or other family relationship, consular processing for family-based immigrant visas, K-1 fiancé(e) visas
I-9 training packages (with “Mini Audits”) for Hawaii-based employers and defense against Notices of Intent to Fine
Representation before the Immigration Court and Board of Immigration Appeals, “crimmigration” consultation services

Why Choose Noha Immigration Law
Locally owned and operated
Former ICE Senior Attorney
Over 21 years of immigration law experience
Work directly with your attorney
Have your own encrypted client document portal with bank-level security
Legal fee financing option through LawPay
We're green! Ask about our sustainable practices
We've helped people from over 25 countries (and counting!)